Litigation crowdfunding: a tool for change - Solicitors Journal

1 min Read

Crowdfunding started out as a way to raise money for charity, or to jumpstart a business idea. However, in recent years it has transformed into a powerful social and legal tool.

There is a groundswell of cause-based legal action which is being funded by a diverse array of individuals and interest groups, rather than the traditional power brokers.

Tom Pritchard explains in Solicitors Journal that there are growing opportunities for practitioners to engage with collaborative issue-based litigation and funding.

Litigation crowdfunding: a tool for change is available to read on the Solicitors Journal website via subscription. 

Tom is an associate in the commercial litigation and public regulation team. He advises businesses, individuals, regulators and not-for-profit organisations on intellectual property law as well as contractual, regulatory, administrative and public law disputes.

In the press Business Russell-Cooke Solicitors Journal Tom Pritchard crowdfunding litigation change innovation