Russell-Cooke named in eprivateclient Top Family Law Firms rankings

Russell-Cooke has been recognised as one of the top family law firms in the UK by online news outlet eprivateclient. The family law team has featured every year since the family law firm rankings were launched in 2016.
Eprivateclient is a leading website and news service for private client practitioners including lawyers, accountants, trustees and fee-based IFAs. Every year, eprivateclient makes awards to UK law firms providing high-quality and professional private client services in the UK. Alongside its recognition in the family law category, Russell-Cooke has also been named as one of the top private client law firms in the country for the past ten years. Both of these accolades highlight the firm's reputation for providing high-quality advice, a holistic approach and empathetic support to the legal process.
The family law team comprises 10 partners, two consultants and 18 solicitors across the firm's three offices in Bedford Row, Putney and Kingston-upon-Thames. In addition, 11 members of the team work as mediators, nine as collaborative lawyers and Fiona Read also sits as a deputy district judge and as an arbitrator.
Over the past year, Russell-Cooke's family team was also recognised in The Times Best Law Firms 2021 rankings and Best Lawyers in the UK 2022 ranked Samantha Little and Camilla Thornton as individuals. The Chambers HNW 2021 guide further recognised James Carroll, Kate Hamilton and Fiona Read as leading practitioners in their field. Members of the family team also played a key role in the creation and publication of the firm’s Family Office report, Generation Game, which is based on conversations between members of the Russell-Cooke Family Office with experts in wealth and estate management, philanthropy and psychology about the current climate for families and the outlook for the future.
James Carroll, Joint Managing Partner and family specialist based in the Bedford Row office comments: "It is great to see our commitment to outstanding client service recognised again. Working as a family lawyer requires empathy and communication skills and can be emotionally demanding. The pandemic brought new challenges. But against all this the Russell-Cooke family team have done an amazing job and I’m very proud of them. I include in that our wonderful executive assistants, administrators and paralegals without whom we simply could not do our jobs.”
For further information visit our family and children law pages on the website.